Julia and Elton's Words of Love at The Arlington Estate in Vaughan, Ontario

To my husband on our wedding day, I’m so happy this day is finally here and I get to marry the love of my life. Although meeting you on that September night was so unexpected, it was the best decision to go to the restaurant that night. Who would have thought I was gonna meet my future husband?

To my wife on our wedding day, the day has finally come where I get to call you my wife for life. I love the life we've built together. Over the past nine years, I've grown to love you more and more every day.

Julia, you look absolutely stunning today. I could never have imagined that tough little hockey player would grow out of her skates and blossom into a beautiful young lady.

Elton, you couldn't have picked a better person to spend the rest of your life with. She’s smart, caring, and a better athlete than you. All jokes aside, I'm so honored to stand in your wedding today to support you two. The love you show for each other every day is admirable. Welcome to the family, Elton. Dad will be proud.

Julia, you are one of my life's greatest blessings. It has been an absolute pleasure to be your mom. You have brought me so much joy. You are my daughter, and you are my friend, and I love spending time with you. Julia, I love the way you always look out for me, and you always have my back. I'm so proud of the person you've become. It makes me so happy to see you so happy.

Elton, you have always been a caring and affectionate joy to our hearts, and I'm glad to share you with Francis. 

We are proud that you have grown into a strong and confident man. Julia, we welcome you to our family.

Julia, I know you're missing your dad today, but I know he is with us in spirit. The two of you had a very special father-daughter bond. You understood him when nobody else did. Today, Julia, remember all the good times you spent with your dad, trips to the beach, our hockey games, all our family trips. Those memories will remain with you always.

Julia and Elton, we wish you both a future filled with happiness. Hope you know that we are thrilled and that we share in your joy. 

Can we raise our glass to the beautiful bride and sexy groom?

I don't know where I would be now without you by my side. You push me and inspire me each day to be the best version of myself. I watched you grow and blossom over the past nine years, and I'm so proud of all your accomplishments. I know you will look so handsome in your tux, and I cannot wait to see you.

I love the life we've built together. You've taught me so much about how to live, how to love, and how to be the best version of myself. I can't wait to see how beautiful you are going to look today.

We are gathered here today to mark the beginning of a new chapter in Elton and Julia's relationship and to recognize the bond of love and friendship that exists between them. 

Today is the beginning of a new life together, a life of special moments and memories shared with love. Today is the beginning of countless bright tomorrows.

To my sweet loving Elton, since the moment we met, it is undeniable the connection and bond we have. Before you, I never believed in soulmates, but I have always felt like I've known you my entire life. 

“I give you this ring as a symbol of my love, my faith, and our strength together, and my commitment to you. With this ring, I join my life to yours.” 

“Elton, I give you this ring as a symbol of my love, my faith, and our strength together, and my commitment to you. With this ring, I joined my life with yours.”

It gives me great pleasure now to present you for the first time as husband and wife. Elton, kiss your beautiful bride.

To my parents, Mom and Dad, your true love and affection for one another, even after 35 years of marriage, is something I truly admire. I am truly blessed to call both of you my parents. Thank you for always supporting Julia and me now into our marriage, we love you.

To my Mom and Dad, I am so blessed and proud to have grown up with two amazing parents devoted to their children. We are so thankful for all your unconditional love, support, and friendship. You have always taught me that hard work pays off and just drive each day to follow your dreams. You both showed me so much love and respect that I have gone through life not accepting anything less than what I deserve. Mom and Dad, you have been my best teachers, my biggest cheerleaders, and the best support system.

As we move into this next chapter of our lives together, I want you to know that I may not be perfect, but I will always do my best to make you feel special, wanted, and loved. 

I love you so much, you're gonna make the most perfect husband and partner. I’m beyond excited to marry you and go through this life with you by my side. Today is the start of our next chapter. Love always, your soon-to-be wife, Julia.

Vendors that Made the Day Happen

Videography: Parallel Weddings (https://www.parallelweddings.ca)

Venue: The Arlington Estate (https://thearlingtonestate.com/)

Photographer: Heartwood Images (http://heartwoodimages.com/)

Hair Stylist: Yadgia Hair (https://www.yadgiahair.com/)

Make-up Artist: Jen Evoy makeup Studio (https://www.jenevoymakeupstudio.com/)

Florist: Imanuel Florist (https://immanuelflorist.com/)

Words of LoveParallel