Amanda and Darryl's Words of Love | Copetown Woods Golf Club | Copetown, Ontario

I'm Amanda's oldest, tallest, and wisest sister, Erin. From the day Amanda was born, I had the reassurance that I'd never be alone again. I'd always have someone I can vent to, someone I can sift through memories with, and someone to just be silly and weird with. So, as the oldest sister, I've had the privilege to watch the growth of another human being first-hand and to grow alongside them. Then, all of a sudden, you find yourself watching that little baby doll you once held so carefully get all dressed up, walk down the aisle, and marry the love of her life. It's incredible! If you haven't done it, I highly recommend it, but bring some tissues.

Hi, I'm Daryl's friend and cousin, and tonight his best man. After all my years of being his ride or die, I had been relegated to the minivan bench. But after spending some time with them, I quickly realized that he was crazy about her, and they were perfect for each other. Who was I to fight this? When you meet the girl of your dreams, everything else seems to just take a back seat. So, I moved away to Guelph and passed the torch off to Amanda. I was confident she would do an incredible job keeping my friend happy, and she's been proving that ever since.

So, Amanda, I just have one piece of advice for you with life with your new husband: when he asks you to get in the vehicle, don't ask where you're going, just get in and enjoy the ride. Love is an emotion, as we all know - that's what we talk about. But the thing I want to share with you, the important thing that I've learned over our thirty-five plus years of marriage, is that love is a decision. You make that conscious decision and the emotion is supported from that, and you will have a fantastic, happy life together.

We are all thrilled that Darryl learned to listen to her subtle hints that it was finally time to get this show on the road, and here we are, celebrating a wonderful couple whom God chose to bring together. We are very, very happy for the two of you. May you be blessed together and in your love for God above all. Here's to the families we were given and those we choose. Cheers to the bride and groom!

We are gathered here in the presence of God and this company of loved ones and friends to join in marriage this man and this woman. Amanda, I'm so fortunate to have found someone who suits me as well as you do. I loved all the time we spent together, and I'm looking forward to spending a lifetime with you. I promise to always be a listening ear for you, whether it's telling me about your day at work or telling me about your hopes and dreams. I promise to work along with you to make our house into a home where we can both be comfortable and happy. I promise to always be ready to go on an adventure. I promise to let you get a cat. You are my best friend, partner, mentor, and so much more. I love you.

Darryl, you know how terribly indecisive I can be, but this is one thing that I am definitely sure of! What I love about being with you is you are someone who I can make laugh and who makes me laugh, and we can laugh at each other laughing. Your gentle smile is infectious and reflects the beautiful, caring soul that you have. When I look into your eyes, I see the deep love and devotion that you have for me. I promise to always reciprocate that love and devotion, and to keep that smile on that face. When you tell me that you love me, I know it's always coming from your heart, and I feel the same love pour out to you when I say it too. You are my adventuring companion, my partner in crime, my best friend, and now I get to call you my husband, I love you so much.

Darryl and Amanda, may the Lord bless you richly and provide you a long and holy life together, and in all godliness, love, and unity. I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now kiss the bride.

Let's be honest, we are only here for these two, let's give it up for the bride and groom, Amanda and Darryl.

Darryl, I'm overjoyed to start this next chapter of our lives together. I'm extremely lucky to be the one to marry you, and I look forward to many happy years together. It's crazy to think of all the things we've been through, and I know God has so much more in store for us.

Vendors that Made the Day Happen

Videography: Parallel Weddings (

Venue: Copetown Woods Golf Club (

Photography: Meg Schuurman Photography (

Florist: Samantha Forrest (

Words of LoveParallel